As a sociology undergraduate, I learnt about the social & wealth inequality in Singapore as well as the massive obstacles to social mobility for the less privileged. After attending my agency’s internship, financial planning stood out to me as a practical solution for the less privileged to ensure that their future generations and themselves can progress up the social mobility ladder.

Networking is a necessity.
I was a highly introverted individual who preferred keeping to myself. However, I recognised that networking was a necessity in this new age. This career empowered me to step out of my comfort zone and interact with people from all walks of life, listening to their stories and going forth to places I’ve never been to before.

The concept of abundance.
“The one who is more willing to give is usually the one who will receive the most.” This is a principle that has held true for almost the entirety of human history; only when we are willing to give without expecting returns, will we be able to receive what we want in the form that we desire.

An advocate of holistic planning.
When I looked at the people around me, all of them were fortunate that their parents had saved up for their education, yet at the expense of their own retirement. This influenced my advice greatly as I strongly advocate holistic planning for everyone from cradle to grave. This helps to ensure that my clients are financially prepared for every stage of their life, to enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Be a person of integrity and show compassion for others.
My mission is to impact as many lives as I can, be it through financial advisory or sharing the fruits of this career with them. Always be a person of integrity, show compassion for others and be competent in what you do to impact lives in the most positive way.


AIA FA Prestige Platinum Club 2022

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Senior Personal Wealth Manager) 2022

AIA FA Prestige Titanium Club 2021

Million Dollar Round Table 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2021

100 IDA Team Award 2021

APFinSA Award 2022 and 2021

Certified Financial Planner (CFP®)

Associate Financial Consultant (AFC)

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®️)

Master Fund Adviser (MFA)



Tze Sian is a good friend who truly cares about his clients and offers not just insurance-related financial advice. He is knowledgeable and well-versed in his field as well as relatable since we are of similar age, we shared similar experiences and he was able to provide a comprehensive overview of my finances and future plans. I was able to trust him completely. Even if I did not take up his full recommendations, he would still do his best and support my own suggestions.


Tze Sian is an amazing advisor and more importantly, a friend who is there to hear your financial concerns out. He works tirelessly to provide clients with what they need and is always very helpful in assisting to settle matters. I feel assured during my discussions with him, knowing that not only is he extremely dedicated in helping his clients achieve their financial goals, but also very knowledgeable in his field of work.

Jin Wee

Tze Sian is a dedicated advisor who truly cares for his clients. He is knowledgeable and well-versed in his field/domains and recommends solutions that catered perfectly to my needs and requirements. His passion and drive to serve, coupled with his innate charisma will be much cherished.


Tze Sian changed my impression of what an advisor should be like. He transformed my skepticism about retirement planning into confidence and for such a young man, was able to relate to me in terms of my concerns for the future. This gave me more confidence that he was acting in my best interests and truly helping people.

Wei Jie

Tze Sian surprised me with how he integrated financial knowledge and principles into actual financial planning. He is extremely knowledgeable and always ready to hear me out. Additionally, he is also very proactive in updating me about market/industry changes that might affect my financial plan and suggest modifications to ensure that I still remained on track towards my financial goals.


Tze Sian is an advisor that truly cares about his clients and provided objective feedback to ensure that I could continue to achieve my financial goals. He always offered a holistic and comprehensive overview of my finances and recommended solutions, which I highly value in an advisor. Even if I did not take up some of his recommendations, he would still do his best and support my alternative solutions to ensure that I was still en route to my financial goals.

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1800 248 8000


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