I joined the financial advisory industry 2 years ago and my core belief of the industry is that personalized service is essential when matching clients with the right financial products and services.

I am a recipient of the International Dragon Award (IDA), and a member of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT).


The importance of passion and constant self-improvement.

In order to build a career in this industry, one needs to first be passionate about helping others find financial security. It is important to find joy and love the work that you do as a financial consultant.

Secondly, you must be keen to constantly improve yourself. Just aim to be 1% better than who you were yesterday. Find small wins and breakthroughs every day to have exponential growth.


Personal touch and trustworthiness are traits that technology cannot replace.

I see the role of a financial consultant changing in the future in terms of outreach. Current technological advances have allowed us to see how we can be connected digitally and be even more efficient in present times. But one thing that will not change is the personal touch and advice a financial consultant can provide. I do think life insurance and mutual funds are purchased more emotionally than we think it is. So no technology can replace trustworthiness, especially in an age where there is an overload of information.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Diamond) 2024

AIA Centurion Club 2023 and 2021

AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2022 and 2020

Million Dollar Round Table 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2020

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2020

100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020

Court of The Table 2021

International Dragon Award – Silver Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2021

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®)

Certificate in Financial Needs Analysis and Plan Construction (Cert FPC)

Bachelor of Science



Having known Mr. Jeremy Tang since I was a teenager, it seemed a tad fortuitous that I started my new job right around the same time my good friend entered the realm of financial advisory. Despite being a relative greenhorn in the field, he did an excellent job at walking me through the process of planning for my future. The amount of care and thought that went into the process was quite astounding. Being relatively clueless about the financial world, I count myself extremely lucky to have an advisor I can trust, one who truly looks out for my best interests. I knew right then and there that this guy was going to go far in the industry. His superb work ethic and sheer willingness to grind and persevere really shines through. Cheers to you buddy, solid financial advisor, even better friend.


I got to know Tang as a course mate during our time in NTU. We worked together for various assignments and I’ve observed that he is someone who’s very committed and responsible. Shortly after our graduation Tang approached me for a few plans which I was keen on, but I turned them down as I felt it might be inappropriate to have a close friend be my agent. However, after observing his dedication and achievements at work, I’m further convinced that Tang will do his best to ensure my concerns and needs are addressed and well taken care of.

I’m very impressed with how he followed up with me about various plans on various occasions. I’m confident that I’ve made the right choice to engage him as my financial advisor.


When I first met Jeremy when he was a student leader in NTU, I knew instantly that I wanted him in my team. Not because he would have made an excellent consultant, but also because I was certain he was someone I wanted to build a legacy with. Since then, I’ve seen him fight to grow from strength to strength and while I’ve seen him knocked down by challenges and difficulties, I’ve yet to see him stay down. And that’s why he is where he is today. Tenacious Tang is what I call him.


Jeremy Tang is a friend of mine and my brother’s prior to my recruitment. He has always been easy to talk to and is very genuine when it comes to helping a friend in need. The reason why I chose him as my leader was because he is always willing to make time to coach while still striving for his own personal achievements. I admire the way he runs his business model, and hope to emulate him in my career.


First of all, congratulations Tang for all your achievements! I had always been curious about the industry but seeing your success stories on social media gave me to push to give it a try. Having you as my leader gives me the motivation to work as hard as you, and one day be as successful as you are. You’ve been an inspiration to many and I’m glad to have you as my leader!

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