I was a student nurse at Ngee Ann Polytechnic from 2010- 2013 and Singapore Institute of Technology from 2013 – 2015 before working as a full-time nurse in the cancer department of the hospital for 6 years. It gives me great satisfaction to help people and follow them through their life journey. This is the exact reason why I choose to be in the cancer department as I like the long-term relationship I have with my patients. Being in an environment where I have seen so much and grown as a person made me realise that life is so short and so fragile, especially for cancer patients who are on their deathbeds. It has also taught me to appreciate life a lot better, to see life differently and embrace all challenges, and to appreciate my family a lot more and the time I have with them.

Helping these patients gave me job satisfaction but I began to question myself if there was anything more I could do that allowed me to help them from the start as that would give me even a bigger satisfaction. After witnessing the difference in how this industry allows people’s lives to change, I wanted to be that person who will make a difference and impact someone’s life. Moreover, I can also continue to assist them if they ever need me as a nurse.

Thus, I joined the financial advisory industry in 2022 to advocate and share with the public the gaps that many people do not know about. This career also allows me to be recognised for the things I’ve done. My conviction keeps me motivated to help touch as many lives as I can.

I’ve learned that anyone new to the industry should first surround themselves with good support. Having a good leader and a good company plays a huge role as the environment shapes and encourages you. My advice to new FC is to know why you are here and what was the reason that you made your choice and have that in mind constantly and you will be able to do good always and be the FC you want to have to serve every client as if they are family and you will sincerely serve them and you will not go wrong. Clients can feel your sincerity.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024 and 2023
Million Dollar Round Table 2024 and 2023

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024 and 2023

Financial Needs Analysis and Plan Construction (Cert FPC)



Been through a lot with my conditions, the support along the way have been very assuring and reassessment of plans made assurance felt even better. Never regretted having you as my FC for my family


Have made clarity and help my family even though we did not buy any policies from her but she helped us through out during my late father’s cancer journey both as a nurse and a FC. She was always there for me and my late dad. Even help us with the DPS claims and also other things like LPA, wills and CPF and our policy nominations.


She has been a very caring person both as a nurse and now as a FC, she is always looking out for me. Personally sending care packs to be when I was down with Covid. Very appreciative for going the extra miles.


Amelia is genuinely thoughtful and patient throughout the whole session. she gives advice based on her own actual experiences as a nurse and explains carefully in detail the different aspects of the policy. Apart from being concise, she also plans according to my financial situation and offers beneficial saving policies that i can take in the future once i am ready. greatly appreciate that i got to meet up with her and will highly reccomend her to anyone interested to plan for their future. I will like to end here by wishing her great success and endless possibilities for her future. 

Chris G

Amelia is very efficient with helping me with my claims and is always checking on me if i am doing ok. On top of that she is very responsive and she is very reassuring and that helped me alot.

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