I have always been interested in pursuing a career in the financial advisory industry. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, I decided it was the best time for me to join AIA FA and explore the industry. 

What started off as a curiosity, quickly turned into a new passion. Although I studied engineering at Nanyang Technological University, the skills that I had honed during my studies, such as presentation, critical thinking and problem solving skills, were very much applicable to my career as a financial consultant.


The importance of financial planning should not be understated.

My uncle was a cancer victim, and he passed on without having proper insurance and financial planning. His son, who was still studying in secondary school, had to rely on charity for further education. It was only then that I realised the importance of financial planning. Everyone needs a good financial consultant who can advise them in every step of their life.


Impact as many lives as possible.

The greatest goal I have in my career as a financial consultant is to impact as many lives as possible, and to help others by giving them the right financial advice. I also aim to introduce the financial advisory industry as a career path to all those who have a similar mindset, in order to help better the industry.


Come in with an open mind.

My advice to those who are considering joining this profession would be to experience it first with an open mind, and then decide for yourself if it is the right fit. If you are looking for personal growth, great mentorship, an amazing work environment and new skills to learn and apply in your daily life, then this profession is just the right place for you!


AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024 and 2023

AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2023 and 2021

AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2022

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Senior Personal Wealth Manager) 2022

Million Dollar Round Table 2023 and 2022

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2023, 2022 and 2021

100 IDA Team Award 2023, 2022 and 2021

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®️)

Financial Needs Analysis and Plan Construction (Cert FPC)



Abishek has been known to me for the past 2 years. He is a humble, down-to-earth, trustworthy, easily contactable and knowledgeable person. Because of him, I have gained investment insights and learnt the concept of retiring early from a professional career. Thanks to him and best wishes for his future endeavours.

Kunal Dubey

Abishek has become a trusted advisor for all my financial decisions. He gives me the advice to work on the current commitments before I jump on to the next. His awareness and ability to research the financial field are unmeasurable. One thing I admire about Abishek is the quality and quantity of information he provides after every major activity in the financial sector. Lastly, his confidence and sincerity towards his work make him one of a kind.

Madhurima Dutta

I met Abishek through a mutual friend and he came across as a reliable person in the first go. I was comfortable sharing my future financial plans with him and letting him know my current priorities. He was able to share with me detailed information about the policies available in the market and why AIA was a great option to go with. Abishek respects my space and understands my goals always and guides me from time to time accordingly. I’m grateful to have met him when I really needed to know my money was being taken care of by a person who is striving to be up-to-date with the constant market changes. He also has been guiding me throughout on an efficient way of spending to make the most value of my money spent and keeping me in check. Assertive guy, always looking out for the best interest of his clients.

Tiffany Chong

As a financial advisor, Abishek patiently and thoroughly explains concepts to his clients. He makes apt use of analogies and example to make it easy for the client to understand, and also covers the plan in detail to ensure that the client feels safe about where their money goes. He took the time to understand my needs and aspirations, as well as made me feel comfortable to ask him any questions.


Hi Abi! Our talk really was very helpful to open my eyes and ears to this world of adulting, and I can’t believe I’ve been neglecting my future planning all these years. Thanks for letting me in on the knowledge! Really super practical and useful 🙂


Thanks for taking time out to share with me Abi!!! 🙂 I really felt like I learn something new and debunked most of the common misconceptions.


Thanks a lot for the sharing session too. I felt like you were really good in guiding and letting me know more about the investment side. Definitely was eye opening in my opinion.


Bro I really like the way you pitch haha 👍🏻 Keep up the good work man! And thanks to you, I might even consider passive investment earlier than I thought I would.

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