I embarked on my journey in the financial advisory industry 16 years ago, after deciding to leave the National University of Singapore (NUS) to pursue a path that aligned more closely with my personal and professional aspirations. My goal was clear: to build a career that not only fulfilled me but also offered strong opportunities for creating passive income streams. This vision led me into the financial sector, where I have thrived by helping others achieve financial security and independence.

Throughout my career, the most rewarding experiences have come from seeing my associates reach their personal goals. There is a profound sense of pride and accomplishment in witnessing their success, which also serves as a constant reminder of the positive impact we can have on the lives of others through diligent and ethical financial planning.

My approach to leadership and service has been greatly influenced by several exemplary figures who have epitomised great leadership. These mentors taught me the importance of being a “proper human being” — one who inspires, supports, and uplifts others. This philosophy has been central to my career and is something I strive to instill in all my associates.

For new financial consultants entering the industry, I emphasise the importance of continuous self-improvement. It is vital to strive to be 1% better every day. The pursuit of personal and professional development is endless, and mastering this can significantly enhance one’s effectiveness and satisfaction in this career.

When it comes to recruitment, the key trait I look for in potential financial consultants is their ability to handle stress and exhibit grit. The financial advisory field can be challenging, and possessing the resilience to face and overcome these challenges is crucial for long-term success and client satisfaction.


AIA FA Pinnacle Club (Unit) 2024

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