Since joining the financial advisory industry in June 2007, I have dedicated myself financial planning with the aim of empowering others. Choosing this career was driven by a belief in the transformative power of financial planning — not just managing wealth, but fostering well-being and security.

One of my career highlights came when I witnessed a client’s dream transform into reality — a home they envisioned, made possible through plans we devised together years earlier. The joy of seeing their happiness and the creation of lasting memories, reaffirmed my commitment to this profession.

What keeps me motivated is the ability to help people lead fearless lives; it’s about making a tangible difference. The relationships I’ve built, transitioning from clients to family friends, are treasures that continually inspire my work. Each day presents new stories — some uplifting, some challenging, but all enriching my life and sharpening my resolve to provide compassionate, tailored financial guidance.

I firmly believe that sincerity is the cornerstone of being a financial consultant. In a world racing with pace and often caught up in superficial interactions, sincerity breaks barriers and builds trust.

To those considering a career in financial advisory, I advise: come into this field with the right intentions. It’s about much more than financial gain; it’s about handling lives with care and integrity. Remember, we are stewards of our clients’ trust and their futures.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Million Dollar Round Table 2024
Chartered Financial Consultant, ChFC®️/S

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