I embarked on my journey in the financial advisory field with AIA in June 2023 after an early career in luxury retail management, post my Diploma from Temasek Polytechnic and national service. My time in retail was centered around providing personalised services, a skill that proved invaluable as I transitioned into financial services. This career shift was initially daunting, given my background and the new challenges it posed. However, the role’s profound impact and the tangible difference I could make in people’s lives quickly became apparent, fueling my passion and dedication to this path.

Witnessing firsthand the challenges individuals face without proper financial planning, particularly in health crises, has strengthened my resolve to educate and empower my clients. The ability to provide comprehensive financial protection and help clients achieve their financial goals not only brings me satisfaction but also motivates me to continue in this field.

My career objective is unquestionably to promote the significance of financial planning, and enable individuals to manage their finances and reach their goals in a stress-free and joyful manner. By forming a team of like-minded individuals, I aim to amplify this impact, reaching out to more individuals and families, helping them navigate the complexities of financial planning with ease and confidence.

Having an understanding heart is crucial for any financial consultant. Being able to genuinely understand and empathise with clients’ situations allows for tailored and effective financial planning that truly meets their needs. This compassionate approach ensures that I provide the best possible advice, grounded in reality and practicality.

For those considering a career in financial advisory, it is vital to start with a clear understanding of your purpose and a commitment to making a difference. The role requires not just financial acumen but also a strong desire to help others, resilience in the face of challenges, and a commitment to ethical practices. Remember, the impact you make on your clients’ lives is the true reward of this profession.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Million Dollar Round Table 2024


Soh Jian Hui

Gerald from AIA Insurance exceeded my expectations. His expertise and personalized approach made finding the right insurance simple and hassle-free. Highly recommended.

Lim Ah Siew

Before meeting Gerald, I was totally clueless about the financial plans that were being offered in the market. I’ve met a few agents but I was never explained in detail on the plans that I am potentially getting. My current agent: Gerald, he is able to put himself in my shoes when planning for my retirement and life coverage. The explanation and timeline he had planned out for me fits my needs in the event of critical illness and I’ll be able to retire comfortably at my desired age.

Neo Chiau Yen

Gerald is a very good advisor. He is patient in explaining the product if I have questions on it. He went the extra mile by drafting out the plans that I had and payment type. His advice on financial planning is highly recommended for those who are not familiar with insurance. A lot of preparation work was done before our meet up. Hence, it saves a lot of my time. Overall, I am very satisfied with the good that he has done.

Lim Yue Ling

Gerald had done a review for my existing insurance plans and I never knew that my premium terms weren’t favorable for me! He helped to better manage my critical illness and savings plan to achieve my targeted end goal. I would highly recommend Gerald as your financial advisor!

Amanda Ho

Gerald is a friendly and understanding agent. He will always make sure that the premium that I am paying is based on what I can afford comfortably without sacrificing other commitments that I have. He is very approachable whenever I have any doubts or queries about my plan coverage. Thus, I feel very safe that my plans are under the care of a responsible man.

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