As someone who has always been interested in finance, the idea of being a financial consultant was always open to me. I was always intrigued by how financial consultants can have the luxury of flexibility in their line of work. However, I was unable to look past the stigma that society has on financial consultants. I worked at OCBC for a year, and felt uncomfortable with fixed working hours and doing OT. I barely had time for myself and my loved ones whenever I got back home. That was when I realised climbing the corporate ladder was not for me. Witnessing firsthand the repercussions of not having adequate coverage made me realise the importance of financial planning, and so, I made the career switch. Being a financial
consultant has given the work I do a sense of purpose.

This career is a people’s business.
I always ensure that the people around me have gained some form of value from the work that I do, and are able to benefit from it. Having interacted with people from all walks of life, I’ve seen people on both ends of the spectrum, and the immense difference that financial planning has done for them. The advice I give to my clients stems from my own beliefs, which come from the experience I’ve had speaking with every person I’ve crossed paths with. It has allowed me to know what’s best suited for each profile, and advise accordingly.

Changing the social stigma takes time.
My greatest goal is to be able to grow a team and be appreciated for our services. The social stigma surrounding financial consultants is definitely still prevalent, and this is something I hope to change eventually.

Possess the right values.
Financial consultants should first think about why they entered this industry in the first place, and what are the right values one should have to be a good consultant. Anyone with the right values can become an excellent consultant, which I feel is the first thing that they should learn.


AIA FA Prestige Titanium Club 2022
Bachelor of Business Administration

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