Often known by others as a person with a strong mentality cultivated through my background as a competitive distance runner, I carry a cheerful and positive outlook towards any challenges, powered by my christian faith. I decided to join the financial advisory business in the pursuit of growth, job satisfaction, control over my development and impact positive change.

Passion overcomes rejections.
Prior to joining the business, I was clueless about how to go about managing my finances optimally and often sceptical about any financial consultants who reached out to me. Nonetheless, I am convinced of how important financial planning is for an individual since the day I started work and this conviction continues to grow stronger to become my passion as my exposure to the world of finance and people expands. Though the business is competitive in nature, I have learned to take every rejection in my stride, remain humble and keep working hard to ensure I am always value-adding to the people around me. Even though I am moving beyond my rookie days, there is still so much that I do not know and I am always excited to keep learning.

Driven by Purpose.
The purpose is what keeps me going – despite my parents’ initial stigma towards the insurance industry as a whole. For me, I am well aware of my innate desire for doing purposeful work, seeking to value add and make a positive impact on the lives around me – one at a time.

Educate people the right way.
People these days are getting increasingly digital savvy, especially the younger generation, who’s always looking to learn new things and is very open to investment opportunities. While the industry is still relationship-based, we financial consultants will continue to be challenged by the massive amount of information made available from online platforms, regardless of the sources. We need to stay well-equipped with the right knowledge to correct any misguided perspectives, provide professional advisory and guidance to help bridge potential gaps and address blind spots, and educate the right way of financial planning to the wider public.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2024 and 2020

AIA FA Prestige Club (Diamond) 2023

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2023

AIA Centurion Club 2022 and 2021

Million Dollar Round Table 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020

100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020

APFinSA Award 2021

Associate Wealth Planner (AWPCM)

Certified Estate Planner, CEP

Certificate in Financial Needs Analysis and Plan Construction (Cert FPC)

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®)

Associate Financial Planner (AFPCM)

Bachelor of Business (Management)



My husband and I have finally found an insurance agent who is prompt, knowledgeable, efficient, and patient. Yuanbing makes our insurance buying experience a stress-free one with no obligations. She goes out of her way to keep us updated on our family policies and is always available on a personal level whenever we require any form of assistance. We look forward to a long working relationship with Yuanbing and would suggest her to anyone needing insurance.


Yuanbing is an advisor whose service fundamentals are based on sincerity, sound financial management principles and an altruistic heart that focuses on looking into the genuine welfare of each individual. The advice that she provides are highly customised and appropriate, and she has never come across as hard selling or eager to cut the deal to fulfill her own personal agenda.

In the course of Yuanbing’s service, she has helped me realign my financial targets, and sieved out unnecessary policies which are not beneficial and economical in the long term. She is always approachable, patient and helpful, and goes out of her way to ensure that everything is completed and put in order.


Yuan Bing has been a very dedicated and cautious financial adviser. She is attentive to listen out to my needs, and provides an overall picture of my current financial situation, and advising me on financial decisions to help my current and future planning. She does not hard-sell any policies, and has been cautious in only recommending suitable and relevant policies for me.

She is also very dedicated in her task, and goes all out to assist me in any financial advise.

She is indeed a rare gem in the world of financial advisers where a lot seem to care only about selling policies more than showing concern for the client.

Thank you for your good job!


Having first met in school, Yuanbing and I became teammates, then friends, then seasoned buddies. Little did we expect that our relationship would morph into one of a financial advisor–client one. Yet, the changing status of our relationship doesn’t undermine the fact that ours is built on a stable foundation of mutual trust.

Though a greenhorn in the financial industry, Yuan Bing took to her role with gusto. Humbly reaching out to me, she asked for a chance to assess my financial situation, then went ahead to not only piece together the many policies I hold across various institutions, but also did in-depth research into what each policy entailed. That way, when she presented her recommendations to me, I knew for certain that it was targeted at gaps in my portfolio.

What I appreciate most is how Yuan Bing remained professional and ensured that the product aligned with my needs and interests. Her advice has helped me greatly and I am much more assured having her manage my financial portfolio.


Yuanbing to me is a friend before an advisor; one whom I wholeheartedly depend on to guide me in how I should manage my finances for the life I wish to have in the future. Unlike other advisors who tend to just disappear from the radar after getting the policy signed; Yuanbing is on the other end of the spectrum. She exudes professionalism and genuineness, at the same time being very amiable, approachable and regularly checks back with me – just like a friend. That’s when I was assured I could give her my respect and trust. With her guidance on financial planning, I now live days fuller, with a burden off my shoulder because I know I am ready for my life’s milestones coming up.


I have known Yuanbing as a friend for a couple of years. When she first shared with me that she has recently became a financial advisor, my initial instinct was to heighten my defenses in preparations for a sales talk. But as we continued our discussions, her warm and honest conversions really helped disarm those defenses and I opened myself to consider the advisory services and expertise that she could offer me. Even when I was indecisive and took weeks to consider what her shared, she would consistently check in and keep me updated on new policies and possible ways to customize policies to fit into my current financial situation, while maximizing coverages.

She also went the extra mile to assist me in coordinating with my existing policies from different advisory companies to help me ensure that my overall health and financial planning is well covered.

For me, it was her small acts of care and concerns over the coverage of my personal health and financial policies over an extended period of time, that convinced me as she was advising me, she was not simply just trying to meet a sales target, but to genuinely help me to get the best coverage for myself.

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1800 248 8000


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