I first chanced upon financial consulting as a career path in 2019 after serving my national service. Honestly, I didn’t have a good impression at first because of the negative social stigma. However, after giving it a shot, it gave me a lot of insight into how financial consultants can add value to their clients’ lives. After experiencing firsthand the benefits of proper financial planning through my family, I decided to pursue this as a long-term career path.
Time management is easier said than done.
Learning to juggle school and work at the same time has taught me the value of time management. Financial consultants need to be disciplined in managing their time as the job requires a lot of proactiveness and initiative to get things done. Focusing on one thing at a time is extremely important, and this career pushes me to be better every day for my clients and friends.
Don’t be afraid of hardship.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” This was said by Dr Martin Luther King Jr and it is a quote that I hold dear to me whenever I feel like giving up. It’s common for many financial consultants to struggle at first because of the steep learning curve, but it only gets easier with time. This business can be sustainable as long as we do the right things. Being accountable to our clients, and putting clients before ourselves is a good start!
Take that leap of faith.
The biggest challenge I face is convincing people to take the leap of faith. The industry is plagued with a certain social stigma, and oftentimes, people are afraid of this because it affects how others view them. However, after being in this industry myself, I realise that as long as we conduct our business in a fair and open manner, there is nothing to be afraid of. I encourage people to see for themselves if the industry is a right fit for them — I was not sure myself until I actually tried it, and looking back, I’m glad I took that leap of faith.
Put mission before commission.
I believe that all financial consultants should put mission before commission. While it’s easy to be led astray by the potential income, we must never put numbers above our clients’ heads. All financial consultants should conduct their business in a manner that is trustworthy and accountable. In my personal experience, as long as we do this right, we will not have to be afraid of running out of clients to meet.
AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2024 and 2021
AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2022
International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Manager Category) 2024
International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2022 and 2021
100 IDA Team Award 2024, 2022 and 2021
Bachelor of Social Science in Economics (2022)
Institute of Banking and Finance Qualified (IBF Qualified)
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