I began my career as a financial consultant in September 2017, and since then, it has been a journey of meaningful interactions and personal growth. Prior to this, I was self-employed with retail and franchise businesses in Singapore and China, which required frequent travel and time away from home. Seeking more family time and inspired by my husband’s two-decade career as a Financial Services Director at AIA, where he provided immense support and reassurance to his clients, I decided to make a career switch.

The most rewarding moment in my career thus far came in 2023 when I assisted a client who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Being able to hand her a claim cheque of $430,000 was profoundly impactful. It wasn’t just about the money — it was about giving her peace of mind during a tumultuous time. She no longer had to worry about her financial situation and could focus entirely on her recovery. This moment underscored the value of thoughtful financial planning and affirmed my commitment to my clients.

This career has taught me the fragility of life and the importance of being prepared, which has made me more appreciative and thankful for my own circumstances. It has allowed me to blend my professional acumen with personal growth, making me a better person, advisor, and family member.

My ultimate goal as a financial consultant is to ensure that all my clients are well-prepared and well-informed before any potential health issues arise. I aim to provide comprehensive care and to walk through life’s journeys with them, much like I did with my client who faced breast cancer. This goal drives every interaction and plan I make with my clients, ensuring they have the necessary support and resources to face whatever life throws their way.

I believe that integrity is the cornerstone of a successful financial consultant. It’s crucial to be honest and ethical in all dealings, especially as clients place immense trust in us with their financial well-being. Misrepresentation for the sake of commissions not only harms clients but also tarnishes the integrity of the profession. For those considering this profession, know that it offers the opportunity to genuinely help people and be compensated for your hard work and commitment. If you possess compassion and a strong work ethic, this career may very well be the rewarding path you’re looking for.


AIA Centurion Club 2024

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Senior Personal Wealth Manager) 2024

Million Dollar Round Table 2024

Bachelor of Computing

IBF Qualified in Private Banking and Wealth Management


Clara Tang

Francesco is an incredibly patient financial planner. She is dedicated to finding the best and most effective coverage for her clients. Being a devoted Buddhist, Francesco is genuine in helping her clients and not doing business for the sake of maximising her own gains. If anyone needs a caring yet professional advisor, she is the one!

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