As an individual who has been working in a consulting capacity since completing my education, I have gained a profound appreciation for the importance of offering comprehensive and informed guidance to clients, and the immense value they place upon it. Subsequently, as I came to realize my deep-seated interest in finance and investment, I decided to transition to a financial consulting role and joined AIAFA in 2021. Through this career path, I aspire to offer my clients, as well as my family and friends, valuable advice on a range of topics, including but not limited to, retirement planning, investment strategies, debt management, and budgeting. By providing thoughtful and knowledgeable guidance, I hope to help my clients make informed decisions that can positively impact their financial well-being.

One of the most rewarding moments in my career as a financial consultant was when I had the opportunity to assist a client who was initially sceptical about insurance. The client shared with me how her family had a previous financial advisor who did not act in their best interests. When claim issues arose for her father, the family agent was nowhere to be found. After helping the client with her claim, we discovered that there was no existing hospitalization plan, which resulted in the family members having to fork out a substantial amount as there was only the existing MediShield Life payout. This experience had caused her to have doubts about the value of insurance. However, by providing her with sound financial advice and showing her the importance of having a comprehensive insurance plan in place, I was able to help her understand the benefits of insurance and how it could protect her family’s financial well-being. Seeing her newfound appreciation for insurance and the peace of mind it brought her was truly a rewarding experience.

As a FC, what keeps me motivated is the opportunity to provide valuable guidance to my clients and make a positive impact on their financial well-being. I believe that financial planning and management are critical components of a healthy and fulfilling life, and being able to help others achieve their financial goals and aspirations is truly rewarding. Within this industry, the value of such counsel may not be immediately apparent, leading to a deferred sense of gratification. However, I hope that over time, my clients will come to appreciate the value of the advice I have offered them, even if they could not envision it at the time. Seeing my clients’ financial progress and knowing that I have played a part in their success is what drives me to continue striving for excellence as a financial consultant.

One of the most important traits that all financial consultants should possess is sincerity. It is essential for financial consultants to genuinely want to assist people in their community and improve their quality of life. When financial consultants are sincere in their desire to help, they are better able to understand clients’ financial needs and provide tailored solutions that align with their goals and values. Moreover, sincerity helps build trust and fosters stronger relationships between financial consultants and their clients. This, in turn, leads to greater client satisfaction and loyalty. Ultimately, financial consultants who prioritize sincerity in their work are better positioned to make a positive impact on the lives of their clients and the wider community.

For those who are considering joining the financial consulting profession, my advice would be to develop a strong mindset and emotional resilience. As a financial consultant, you will encounter a diverse range of clients and situations, some of which may be challenging or unpleasant. Therefore, having a strong heart and the ability to handle difficult situations with composure and professionalism is crucial. There will be times when the work may become overwhelming, but it is essential to stay focused and dedicated to providing the best possible service to your clients. It is also important to stay updated on the latest financial trends, laws and regulations and continuously improve your skills and knowledge. By doing so, you can build a successful and rewarding career as a financial consultant.

When it comes to recruiting potential FCs, the most important trait I look for is the desire for continuous self-improvement. A successful FC must be driven to excel and constantly stay updated on the latest financial news, regulations and trends. By doing so, they can offer their clients the best possible advice and service. Furthermore, a desire to constantly improve also means that they are motivated to better the lives of their clients and the people around them. In this highly competitive and ever-changing industry, it is crucial to have the drive and determination to stay ahead of the curve and constantly strive for excellence.


AIA FA Prestige Club – Titanium 2023
Million Dollar Round Table 2023
International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2023
NUS Bachelor of Science with Honours in Project & Facilities Management 2018
Financial Needs Analysis and Plan Construction (IBF Qualified) 2022


Pei Xuan

Yeeying is a caring, driven and down to earth person. Having known her for more than a decade, when she took on this role as a financial advisor and approached me, of course i had to trust her. She follows up with her clients closely and sends well wishes during special occasions, it has been a blessing to be onboarded as her client.


It has been a really pleasant experience having Yeeying as my FA. She is knowledgeable and has a fun personailty. She is my go to agent whenever I need any financial advice. She gives sound advices and keeps me updated with the current market and news with her information sheet. I really appreciate all that she has done for me and my family.

Zi Yang

Having known so many financial advisors in my life, it has been a really good experience learning about my financial and health needs and learning what else is critical in ensuring that I am insured and covered properly. Yeeying is also able to provide a clear and concise overview of the stock market and provide regular updates which are relevant to the current outlook of the market. Really grateful!


Kickstarting my investment at 20 was a scary and difficult decision but choosing Yeeying as my financial advisor is definitely the best decision I’ve made thus far. She has great commitment and dedication in protecting her clients’ interests. Not only does she keep me updated on my investments, she is able to explain it in detailed. Such transparency strengthens the trust and confidence I have in her. I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to achieve better financial outcomes. 

Vanessa Lim

From the first time we met, Yeeying impressed me with her professionalism, her knowledge, and her commitment to understanding my financial goals.

Throughout our interactions, she has demonstrated her understanding towards financial planning and investment strategies, and was always able to explain financial concepts in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for me to understand and make informed decisions. She has tailored her recommendations according to what i needed, and was always well prepared at every meet up to answer my questions.

Overall, I would highly recommend Yeeying to anyone looking for a knowledgeable, attentive, and trustworthy financial advisor. She is an asset to the team, and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her!

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