Not wanting to be tied to a deskbound job, I chose financial consulting as a career as I can directly impact and value-add to the people around me.

Every day is different.

What makes my job so exciting each day is that I get to talk to people from all walks of life, assess their financial risks and manage their wealth to get them properly protected against mishaps. It is also my personal goal to help the people around me to plan for adequate retirement funds, as it is a concern that I face for myself as well.

Long-term relationships will keep you going.

I believe it is important for financial consultants to be self-motivated. For me, I stay motivated by reminding myself of the invaluable friendships and trust forged with my clients over the last 13 years of my career.

Be clear about your life goals.

My advice for new financial consultants is to be absolutely crystal clear about your goals in life. Have the courage to take the path less travelled — after all, you only live once.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Silver) 2024

AIA FA Prestige Club (Platinum) 2022

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Senior Personal Wealth Manager) 2022

AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2021

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2021

AIA FA Prestige Club (Gold) 2020

Million Dollar Round Table 2022 and 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2022, 2021 and 2019

100 IDA Team Award 2022, 2021 and 2019

Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

Associate Specialist in Estate Planning (ASEP)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)



Hi Hong Tat, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent service. Although it has been so many years since I first engaged you for insurance policies, but you are still so responsive, supportive and helpful to my requests! Appreciate!

Li Peng

I know Hong Tat when he was in JC. He was a quiet young man then. And he still is one. I was slightly surprised when he approached me as an insurance agent after his graduation for I know he studied engineering. I guessed he might change his career path later in life. His persistence proved me wrong. After 13 years, not only that he is still in the industry but he excels as a Financial Consultant.

I like the way that he is never pushy, always listens and has lots of patience. Hong Tat is not only my insurance agent, I regard him as a friend because he is ready to lend his hands when there is a need. Most importantly, he is reliable and this matters when it comes to financials.


Hong Tat is a great insurance and finance professional. He is responsible, hard-working, helpful, friendly, knowledgeable and has integrity – attributes we all look for in an agent. He is always ready to explain and answer queries regarding any insurance and investment policies – and will do so sincerely. This puts clients at ease and inspires confidence. He is generous with his time and efforts, and makes suitable policy recommendations.

I have known Hong Tat since our national service days nearly two decades ago, and he has consistently shown himself to be reliable and trustworthy. He will definitely be an asset to the company. 


Thank you for equipping me with the right protection since the past 13 years. Appreciate your professionalism and kind hearted spirit!


I have been engaging Hong Tat since my teens days… Energetic, friendly, knowledgeable, he always puts our interest first. He is always willing to offer a second opinion even though he knows I may not be getting a policy from him! Truly professional!

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