I first learnt about the financial advisory industry when I was a freshman at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. Prior to entering the university, I retook my GCE ‘A’ Levels and also took a gap year. I later learnt that because of this, I had delayed my father’s retirement plan by 2 years. At that time, my father was almost 60 years old and had been a frugal and hardworking taxi driver who spent over 20 years on the roads to feed our family, I knew I had to find an alternative path that could help me repay my university loans, and help him retire at a younger age. That’s when I started exploring the financial advisory industry, and with the help of many kind mentors and colleagues at AIA FA, I decided to take my leap of faith.


Find fulfilment in your work. 

I chose this career because it gives me the flexibility to work and study at the same time, allowing me to fulfil my goal of helping my father retire as soon as possible. Along the way, I have also found fulfilment in advisory, as it deepens the existing relationship I already have with my friends.


Strive to be an example for others. 

When I entered the industry, I was inspired by my associates who introduced me to the business. They are the ones who keep me going day by day, as I have the desire to one day set the standards for others and be an example as well.


Seek personal growth. 

An important trait I look for in financial consultants is coachability. I relish seeing my associates achieve more and grow as a person. To anyone considering this career, I would advise asking as many questions as you possibly can, especially to the person introducing you to the business. The more you learn, the faster you’ll grow!


AIA FA Prestige Club (Gold) 2024

AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2022 and 2021

Million Dollar Round Table 2024, 2022 and 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2022 and 2021

100 IDA Team Award 2022 and 2021

Bachelor of Human Resource Management


Whai Fen

My experience with Pearlyn as my advisor so far is rather pleasant.

Background info: I hate doing finance and prefers someone to do all the thinking for me, all I have to do is agree and proceed. 

Pearlyn bring my advisor really helped me a lot. She got all my finances layed out and got me ready to get going on my BTO application. After which, I had to go for a tonsillitis appointment, Pearlyn seamlessly guided me through the whole process, explained to be the coverage in the most layman terms as possible. Without her, I will probably suffer from this tonsil problem and pay hefty hospital fees.

Lastly, her interpersonal skills are top notch. Many financial advisors tend to hard sell and make everything about money and investing. But Pearlyn took into consideration of the people around me, my career, and my thoughts.

In my opinion, what makes her a good advisor.. it’s her heart. Her genuine heart to understand people and propose what is the best for them.

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