I studied marketing in school but developed an interest in financial planning after seeing my family’s lack of financial management. I found that many families were equally unprepared for financial planning, and my desire to assist these families motivated me to pursue a career as a financial consultant. I started my career as a student advisor and have never looked back since. I strive to be a financial consultant who can give impartial advice and views to as many people as possible. I aspire to be the change in an industry that is often misunderstood and to leave a good impression on anyone with whom I come into contact.

The finest details are critical.

My greatest strength as a financial planner is the degree of detail I provide clients during the planning process, while still considering their overall financial portfolio from cash-flow budgeting and asset allocation to housing preparation and risk transfer.

I believe financial planning can also be more data and numbers-driven – rather than relying solely on emotions. Thus, financial choices should be taken objectively to meet emotional needs. My ability to simplify complicated financial jargon into simple layman’s terms gives me that competitive edge.

Building a competent team.

I am currently an aspiring associate director leading a team of 12 driven and competent financial consultants. The most important traits that I look for in potential financial consultants are being filial, driven, coachable and likeable.

Demonstrating my worth.

What I am most proud of is being able to work in an area where I can make a difference in other people’s lives. This was achieved by learning from my mentors and developing my worthwhile gaining the trust and confidence of my partners. I owe a debt of gratitude to my clients, mentors, and colleagues for their contributions to my thus-far fruitful journey.

Treat the process as if it’s dating.

My advice for anyone seeking to join the industry is to never leap to conclusions too quickly; instead, spend some time dating the profession. Make certain you understand what you’re getting yourself into. Determine whether your priorities are compatible and whether current processes will help you achieve your goals rapidly and effectively. Finally, it’s entirely up to your feelings; follow your instincts.


AIA FA Prestige Club (Gold) 2024

AIA FA Prestige Club (Titanium) 2022 and 2021

AIA High Net Worth Prestige Club (Personal Wealth Manager) 2022

Million Dollar Round Table 2023, 2022 and 2021

International Dragon Award – Bronze Dragon Award (Agent Category) 2022 and 2021

100 IDA Team Award 2022 and 2021

Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®️)



When I decided to start on my financial planning, I had no knowledge or prior understanding since my family never bought into the insurance industry. As I approached Elson, he made sure to verify if I had any pre-existing plans as well as my current financial standing before he started making tailored recommendations. Not only was he transparent with what he felt were important, suitable and manageable for me, he also streamlined the process and made something conventionally complicated much simpler for me to grasp. 

As a financial advisor, Elson understands that my needs/situations are constantly changing and checks in regularly to make sure I’m doing alright/am able to manage. I’ve heard of many financial advisors who sell plans and disappear after the sale is done, but Elson proves contrary to that stereotype. He is always present to make me feel safe and well taken care of.

With Elson around, I never had to feel helpless about adulting. If you are similar to me and absolutely hate dealing with things related to finances or health insurance, you can drop him a message and I assure you – he’ll make your life much easier.


I met Elson at a University Camp. He was one of the primary reasons I joined AAG. What I felt from him at first sight, was that he was upbeat, confident, and trustworthy. So with the leap of faith, I let Elson take me under his wing as I believe he can help me realise my fullest potential. 

Being in the right work environment is crucial, but being with the right mentor is key to success. And I am happy to say I found myself the right mentor.

Throughout my time in AAG, Elson has shown nothing but care and warmth, not only towards me but with all his associates. He tirelessly dedicates hours upon hours of his time to help us and pushes us to do our best, and he always inspires me to reach greater heights. He is beyond just a partner and mentor; he is also a brother and a friend.

One thing he taught me is that it is okay to be tired, and take a break, but never give up. And I know one of the many people who will never give up on me, is Elson. I count myself fortunate to be work and learn alongside one of the most passionate and driven advisors out there, and I look forward to achieving bigger milestones with Elson.


As a fresh graduate in 2019 with little to no knowledge on how to navigate the “adulting” life, insurance was one of the many aspects that was completely foreign to me. “Who should I approach?” was a constant question that I had no answer to.

However, this was when I began to witness how Elson was enjoying and devoting hours to his career – via Instagram. His fervour towards his work led to me reaching out and asking him where do I begin? Instead of regurgitating whatever he has studied for his financial examinations, he patiently explained it in layman terms and made sure I knew what I was getting myself into.

He was meticulous and ensured that he had all the relevant details he needed, such as prior plans my parents may have gotten for me, before crafting a comprehensive plan and deciding my next steps. Elson was never pushy and made sure I had the capabilities to afford the plans that were essential to safeguard my livelihood – this, I was very firm with him. I remember asking him so many repeated questions I thank God he hasn’t given up on this blur adult! He will never answer anything he is unclear of and will verify them before coming back to me.

Elson was swift to respond whenever I had questions and even more so when I needed to make a claim. I’ve never met anyone more “kanchiong” about making sure my claims are through, and even makes routine calls to ensure that I’ve received it – if that’s not the epitome of dedication? I’m not fluffing or exaggerating any of these just because Elson happened to be my friend before being my financial advisor but through his sharing and stories, I know he builds sincere relationships with his clients.

As a sceptic, I’ve questioned Elson on the longevity of his current career and was doubtful. However, over the 2 years, I’m clear that he is someone whom I will trust my financial planning with as he continues to better himself and expand his knowledge in this field. I highly recommend Elson to you, if you are like the 2019 me who was lost and blur and would like someone approachable and bubbly to converse with, and/or your family if you’re thinking to relook into your existing plans!


Before I entered university, I have not once thought about having any investment/saving plans to prepare myself for my future. However, after I entered university, I realized many people around me have bought themselves investment/saving plans and it made me decide to start wanting to learn more and get myself a plan too. That was when i approached my friend, Elson, who is a financial advisor.

Elson is very knowledgeable with the different plans he can offer and very patient with my queries, answering them all with confidence. He is not pushy at all, but instead he made sure to offer me a plan which will best suit my needs.

He also put in the effort to find out what existing insurance plans I already had and compiled them into one excel sheet so it is easier for me to understand. When I wasn’t sure what some of the plans were for, he also explained to me what they do, and whether it is ideal for me to continue or surrender them.

Elson is a really hardworking individual and will put in the effort to make sure your queries are answered. He is not pushy and is someone who ensures you will get a plan that most suits your needs, so if you’re interested, or do not know where to start your financial planning journey, do not hesitate to drop him a message!


Back in 2019, getting an insurance has never crossed my mind. However, my fate with insurance had intertwined when I tore a ligament on my thumb. Constant visits to the hospital really burst my student’s pocket. Hence, I decided to find my secondary school buddy, Elson, for some financial advices while knowing he has just started out.

Despite being fresh in the industry, the passion that Elson exudes is really inspiring. I could see the passion he has in his job. The potential hospitalisation and accident plans were thoroughly explained and easy to grasp. Eventually, I signed my first two plans.

In the same year, I had my minor surgery where hospitalisation fees and recurring appointments are a major concern. Not only Elson gave me immediate attention, he managed to book a surgery appointment on the same day. I am so thankful in his support and attention he gives to his clients.

All in all, Elson is a very passionate financial advisor whom is always driven to render support and detailed explanations to all his clients. Without a doubt, he’s humble, constantly learns, and it’s great!

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