I enjoy volleyball and back in 2019, one of my teammates invited me to an agency event. I was surprised to see another volleyball player who was very quiet on the court, yet his lapel had the IDA & MDRT pins.
After the event, he asked me “Where do you see yourself in 4 years?” I replied, “Hopefully graduate from uni earning a decent income and supporting my mum” He answered, “Do you want to start earning in 4 years or do you want to start now?”
This memory is etched vividly to this day. And that was how I came to join the financial advisory industry.
What keeps me motivated is protecting the people that I care about as well as the people that they care about. It’s a never-ending purpose but I find a lot of meaning in it!
The best thing about this industry is the flexibility it provides. But that is a double-edged sword as it shows you your true nature. I think being a FC trains our discipline to make this flexibility work toward finding success.
AIA FA Prestige Club – Diamond 2023
Million Dollar Round Table 2023
Diploma in Personal Financial Planning
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